Create raving fans by building trust.

Earn and retain customers with these tried and true tactics.

Cannabis Customer Engagement - Blend Brand Group

Social Media Optimization

Your customers are on social media – Instagram, TikTok, and whatever comes out next. But are your potential customers coming across you? Maybe, maybe not. But with fully optimized social profiles, we will make sure customers are coming across your accounts and pages whenever possible. With properly created page details, hashtags and profile information, potential customers can become buying customers quicker than you think.

SMS Text Messaging Utilization

Text messaging your customers is a great way to keep them engaged. With staggering open rates (upwards of 80-90% – when was the last time you didn’t open a text message to at least see what it was about) you will keep your customers engaged and increase your chance of landing a sale. From VIP text campaigns to informative “read our latest blog post” texts, you will be driving customers back to your website where they can also complete a sale. Partnering with a cannabis specific text platform, we have ways to get around the sometimes difficult censorship of cell phone carries, too.

Third Party Outlets

Platforms like Leafly and Weedmaps, already have a grasp on the market. We can help you use this to your advantage. We can help your business get posted to these sites, while fully optimizing the search and customer experience when you are found on these platforms. We can also help you manage advertising and ad spend on these platforms to make sure you are getting in front of the most customers possible.

Are your customers buzzing about you?